About Me


I’ve loved words for as long as I can remember. Over the years, I’ve read and written millions and millions of them. I understand the power of them, and love nothing better than to see them used well.

I have a wealth of experience as an editor and have worked for many years in the cultural and heritage industries, producing written work of all kinds, every day. I know the importance of getting it right.

Non-fiction is my speciality, particularly art and culture, heritage, nature and place, biography and religion. I’m flexible and adaptable and enjoy a challenge, so if your area of expertise isn’t listed, give me a try - I may be able to help.

I’m professionally trained and work to a high standard of accuracy and reliability, always meeting deadlines, always courteous and friendly. I have a calm, positive energy and am not easily ruffled.

Get in touch and say hi! I hope we can work together soon.

Training and Professional Memberships

I’m a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute for Editing and Proofreading and have been comprehensively trained by them and the Publishing Training Centre